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1. move so that an opening or passage is obstructed.
Please close the door behind you to prevent any dust from entering the room. Por favor, cierre la puerta detrás de usted para prevenir que el polvo entre en la habitación.
2. become closed.
The company is planning to close its doors permanently due to financial difficulties, effective next week. La empresa está planeando cerrar sus puertas permanentemente debido a dificultades financieras, con efecto la próxima semana.
3. cease to operate or cause to cease operating.
The company decided to close down its manufacturing plant in response to declining profits, resulting in significant layoffs. La empresa decidió cerrar su planta de manufactura en respuesta a la disminución de los beneficios, lo que llevó a despidos importantes.
4. finish or terminate (meetings, speeches, etc.).
The CEO closed her presentation by thanking the audience for their attention and wrapping up the company's annual report. El CEO cerró su presentación agradeciendo al público por su atención y concluir el informe anual de la empresa.
5. come to a close.
The festival will close on Sunday evening, marking the end of its five-day run in the city. El festival cerrará el domingo por la noche, marcando el fin de su carrera de cinco días en la ciudad.
6. complete a business deal, negotiation, or an agreement.
The CEO was thrilled to announce that the company had finally closed a major deal with a leading tech firm, securing a significant investment in their startup. El CEO estuvo encantado de anunciar que la empresa había cerrado finalmente un acuerdo importante con una empresa de tecnología líder, asegurando una inversión significativa en su startup.
7. be priced or listed when trading stops.
The stock market closed early today due to technical issues, and many investors were left scrambling to close their positions before the end of trading. El mercado de valores cerró temprano hoy debido a problemas técnicos, y muchos inversores se quedaron tratando de cerrar sus posiciones antes del final del comercio.
8. engage at close quarters.
The detectives worked closely with each other to close in on the suspect, finally cornering him in an alleyway. Los detectives trabajaron estrechamente el uno con el otro para acorralar al sospechoso, finalmente rodeándolo en un pasaje.
9. cause a window or an application to disappear on a computer desktop.
To finish my work, I closed all the unnecessary tabs on my browser so I could focus. Para terminar mi trabajo, cerré todas las pestañas innecesarias en mi navegador para poder enfocarme.
10. change one's body stance so that the forward shoulder and foot are closer to the intended point of impact.
As I prepared to throw the punch, my coach yelled at me to close with my opponent, adjusting my stance to get a stronger position. Mientras preparaba para lanzar el puñetazo, mi entrenador me gritó que acercara con mi oponente, ajustando mi postura para obtener una posición más fuerte.
11. come together, as if in an embrace.
After a long day, Sarah and her partner decided to close, wrapping their arms around each other tightly on the couch. Después de un largo día, Sarah y su compañero decidieron cerrar, abrazándose estrechamente entre ellos en el sofá.
12. draw near.
As I approached the shore, I closed in on the group of people who were having a picnic, eager to join them and share some stories. Mientras me acercaba a la orilla, me aproximé al grupo de personas que estaban teniendo un pícnic, ansioso por unirme a ellos y compartir algunos relatos.
13. bring together all the elements or parts of.
The director worked tirelessly to close the gaps in the storyline, ensuring that every plot thread was expertly woven together. El director trabajó incansablemente para cerrar las brechas en la trama, asegurando que cada hilo argumental estuviera cuidadosamente tejido.
14. bar access to.
The manager closed the exhibit at midnight, preventing visitors from entering after that hour. El gerente cerró la exposición a medianoche, lo que impidió a los visitantes entrar después de esa hora.
15. fill or stop up.
She closed the hole in the tire by plugging it with a patch, preventing air from escaping. Ella cerró el agujero en la rueda al taparlo con una parche, evitando que el aire escapara.
16. unite or bring into contact or bring together the edges of.
The carpenter carefully closed the gap between the two wooden planks by applying a strong adhesive and driving in a few finishing nails. El Carpintero cuidadosamente cerró el espacio entre las dos tablas de madera aplicando una pegamento fuerte y clavando algunos clavos de finalización.
17. finish a game in baseball by protecting a lead.
The pitcher came out of nowhere to close the game, striking out the side to secure the win. El lanzador salió de la nada para cerrar el partido, retirando a los tres jugadores con strikes y asegurando el triunfo.
1. a machine for performing calculations automatically.
The computer on my desk is an essential tool for completing my tasks efficiently, allowing me to crunch numbers and generate reports quickly. La computadora en mi mesa es una herramienta esencial para completar mis tareas de manera eficiente, lo que me permite procesar números y generar informes rápidamente.
The new supercomputer at the research institute will enable scientists to process vast amounts of data and simulate complex phenomena more accurately than ever before. El nuevo superordenador en el instituto de investigación permitirá a los científicos procesar grandes cantidades de datos y simular fenómenos complejos con mayor precisión que nunca antes.
2. an expert at calculation (or at operating calculating machines).
The computer was called upon to calculate the complex trajectory of the spacecraft, ensuring its successful landing on Mars. El ordenador fue llamado a calcular el trayecto complejo del espacio sideral, garantizando su aterrizaje exitoso en Marte.
In ancient Babylon, the scribe would serve as a computer, recording and calculating transactions for the temple's treasury. En la antigua Babilonia, el escriba serviría como un ordenador, registrando y calculando transacciones para el tesoro del templo.
program noun
1. a series of steps to be carried out or goals to be accomplished.
The new marketing program aims to increase sales by 20% within the next quarter, which involves launching targeted ad campaigns and optimizing our social media presence. El nuevo programa de marketing tiene como objetivo aumentar las ventas en un 20% dentro del próximo trimestre, lo que implica lanzar campañas publicitarias dirigidas y optimizar nuestra presencia en redes sociales.
2. a system of projects or services intended to meet a public need.
The city's housing authority launched a comprehensive program to provide affordable housing options for low-income families, which included building new apartments and renovating existing ones. La autoridad de viviendas de la ciudad lanzó un programa integral para ofrecer opciones de vivienda asequible a familias de bajos ingresos, que incluyó construir nuevos apartamentos y reformar los existentes.
3. a radio or television show.
The local station airs a new program every Sunday evening, featuring live music performances and interviews with up-and-coming artists. La estación local emite un nuevo programa cada domingo por la noche, que incluye actuaciones musicales en vivo y entrevistas con artistas emergentes.
4. a document stating the aims and principles of a political party.
The newly elected leader presented the party's program to the convention, outlining their vision for social justice and economic reform. El líder recién elegido presentó el programa del partido en la convención, destacando su visión para la justicia social y la reforma económica.
5. an announcement of the events that will occur as part of a theatrical or sporting event.
The evening's program featured a mix of classical music and modern dance performances, with a special guest appearance by a renowned pianist. El programa de la noche incluyó una mezcla de música clásica y representaciones de baile moderno, con un especial aparición invitada por un pianista reconocido.
6. an integrated course of academic studies.
The university offers a variety of undergraduate programs in fields such as engineering, business, and computer science. La universidad ofrece una variedad de programas de licenciatura en campos como la ingeniería, la empresa y la ciencia computacional.
7. (computer science) a sequence of instructions that a computer can interpret and execute.
The software developer spent weeks crafting a complex program to optimize the company's database management system. El desarrollador de software pasó semanas elaborando un programa complejo para optimizar el sistema de gestión de bases de datos de la empresa.
8. a performance (or series of performances) at a public presentation.
The music festival featured a diverse program, including rock concerts, classical recitals, and poetry readings. El festival de música contó con un programa diverso, que incluía conciertos de rock, recitales clásicos y lecturas de poesía.